Adília Charmier

Adilia Januário Charmier, PhD in Organic Chemistry (1993), Université Blaise Pascal (France), invited Full Professor/Associate Professor at Lusofona University (UL, Lisbon, Portugal), director of the Bachelor of Biotechnology and sub-director of the Bachelor of Circular Economy and Technology in collaboration with the IMAT group of the University of Trier, IfaS, Germany and co-founder - CEO of the Portuguese subsidiary EXMceuticals Portugal Lda. Her scientific research activity resulted in 88 national and international scientific publications distributed by peer-reviewed international journals, conferences and 3 patents. She developed the first studies of extraction of medicinal plants and wastes using green microwave technologies and new biological Metal-coordinated compounds using natural compounds as ligands used in the fields of health, nutraceuticals and biomaterials.