Pedro Fernandes

Pedro Fernandes (Pedro CB Fernandes, b. 1966) graduated in Chemical Engineering from IST (1989). He obtained a Masters Degree in Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering (1994) and a PhD in Biotechnology (1999) from IST/UTL. He is currently Assistant Researcher in the Department of Bioengineering of Instituto Superior Técnico and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. He was one of the co-founders of Biotrend. His scientific activity has been focused on the development and implementation of biocatalytic systems. Pedro authored or co-authored over 85 scientific papers in refereed international journals and 17 chapters in books on applied biocatalysis and bioprocess design. He supervise(d) 1 Post-Doctoral fellow, 5 PhD theses, four of which completed, and twenty MSc theses, of which eighteen completed. Pedro was endowed the Scientific Award UTL / Santander Totta 2011 in Biochemical Engineering. OrcID: 0000-0003-0271-7796