Rui Pedro Da Costa Neto

Rui Costa Neto is an academic/engineer with 20 years of experience in the energy industry and academia. He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering and a Post-Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Técnico de Lisboa, IST). Currently Rui Costa Neto is a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of Universidade Lusófona (ULHT). Researcher at IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Técnico Lisboa. Specialist in hydrogen safety; specialist in lithium ion battery safety. Consultant in energy storage systems (Batteries, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Ultracapacitors and, Phase Change Materials). As a professor in several Universities and Polytechnic Schools: ULHT, IPS, ISEL. At IST - University of Lisbon, Rui Costa Neto supervised 54 Master of Engineering students and 1 PhD, in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Energy Management, Physics and Chemistry. Engineering and Technology In 2007 he was selected to develop the first Hydrogen Laboratory at Técnico Lisboa (IST/IDMEC). In 2009, Rui Costa Neto became an Assistant Researcher at IST, where he coordinated and participated in dozens of projects, as Coordinator, Participant Researcher / Project Manager, Scientific Evaluator / Advisor, in the Energy Systems, Environment and Transport sector. As R&D Director of SRE, he coordinated and participated in more than 12 national and international projects. Rui Costa Neto developed the first commercial Portuguese PEM fuel cell in 2002.
He has high negotiation skills in complex sales processes involving the preparation of business models and the evaluation of feasibility analysis, creativity, critical thinking and proactivity in proposal preparation, management and project implementation. His are areas of expertise: International Business Development; Project Management; Investment Assessment; Project Feasibility Analysis; Strategic Planning; Business Administration; Technical and Economic Assessment; Financial/Cost Controls; Contract Negotiations; University Education; Renewable Energies, Intelligent Networks; Intelligent Cities, Decarbonisation and Circular Economy and Energy Sustainability; Energy Storage; Modelling Simulation; Complex Problem Solving; Hydrogen Production and Storage; thermal and electric energy storage and conversion technologies; Fuel cells; Redox batteries; Solar plant sizing; Biomass pyrolysis for liquid fuels; Life cycle analysis; Vehicle energy supply infrastructures; Development of the first Portuguese redox battery prototype; Hidrocat renewable boat (fuel cells, PV, metal hydrides); Phase change materials to store heat in buildings; Intelligent windows to control radiation; Energy auditing in buildings, Building Energy Simulation, Recovery of battery waste materials in the circular economy.