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universidade lusófona

Lifelong Learning for Sustainability: From campus to daily Life (LEAF)

Projeto ERASMUS+ KA2
Leading Center
Team Leader
Adília Charmier; Cristina Guerra
João Canto; Anabela Cruces, Elisabete Maurício; Cândida Manuel; Carina Almeida and Hilda de Pablo.

The main goal of the project is to create a knowledge and awareness-based framework that will encourage individuals to internalize sustainability-related issues and regulate their daily habits and life practices to contribute to the realization of sustainability and climate change mitigation/adaptation implementations for our common future. As individual consciousness and efforts have become very significant, we aimed to develop a self-learning-based, modular, and inclusive structure.

From this aspect, the main activities of the project comprise the development of a sustainability e-certificate program, module/course contents and materials, video materials and a mobile application that will encourage the users to calculate their carbon footprints, set individual targets, and participate in pleasant activities. A pilot training activity, workshop and SWOT analysis are also organized to test the efficiency of the e-certificate program, course materials and mobile application.

An optimized e-certificate program, open-access course materials, informative videos and a mobile application will be presented as the main outcomes of the project. These outputs are expected to be widely used by the higher education students and staff in the countries of the partner institutions in the first place. We aim for the results and their impacts to be disseminated throughout the EU region and other user groups such as schools, training centres, chambers, NGOs, and local authorities.